Friday, October 13, 2017

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Cancelled reading at White Rose Coffeehouse in Lynn

     Due to the recent flooding in Lynn, MA, unfortunately my upcoming reading on 10/5/2017 has been cancelled at the White Rose Coffeehouse.  I apologize for the last minute change of plans.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

My book has arrived

Oh, happy day!! My books have arrived, and we're dancing a little jig in this household. I want to thank all of you who have purchased copies from the bottom of my heart. It's available through Amazon, for the Kindle and very shortly, through If you'd like to buy a signed copy from me, it's $9.95 plus $3.50 postage, thus $13.45. You can email me for check details, or PayPal me with or mobile transfer to me through your online banking using that email.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Waiting for an Answer

    My debut poetry collection has just been released from Nixes Mate Books.  Available on Amazon and for the Kindle, I would be honored if you took a look.

     From the back cover:

“Heather Sullivan’s Waiting for an Answer is a breath of fresh air, a debut collection by a poet who has actually lived long enough to have something to say. This book builds slowly, offering a glimpse into childhood memories grown into intricate flaws. The beauty here is found in every imperfection along the way. Like any good alley cat Sullivan has more than one life to live and let’s hope she’s just getting started. We’re all just waiting for an answer that may never come, peeling away the layers of every passing year,  but at least now we have someone there to wait with us.”

--John Dorsey, Author of Shoot the Messenger    

In Sullivan’s debut collection, she searches the past, present and future for an answer to an unknown question, seemingly stumbling upon astute observations in the day-to-day. Whether age nine at the circus “scanning the auditorium for the exits,” or an adult watching her “kidneys function on the monitor over [her] head,” Sullivan encourages refection, almost asking the reader to look back and examine how their own journey brought them to the here and now. The last line of the last poem, “one day I’ll, one day I’ll, one day I’ll,” reinforces the endless search and leaves us wanting more!
--Rebecca Schumejda, Author of Waiting at the Dead End Diner 

Heather Sullivan's book Waiting For An Answer is a collection of poems about an ordinary America as seen through extraordinary eyes.  In the lively collection, the 55 poems are separate entities, but they flow together like a story, linked by Sullivan's sometimes quirky and sometimes intense perspective. From "Stage Left," a poem about a girl's first visit to a circus, where she keeps "scanning the auditorium for exits" because she feared being crushed to death by a crowd, to "Sweet Potato," Sullivan's poem about her red-headed son, the poetry is consistently fresh and engaging. As all good poetry books should,  Waiting For An Answer  speaks to our pasts and reminds us that we have a future.
--Michael Hathaway, editor, Chiron Review


     Hello and welcome! I've created this new home as a place to spotlight my poetry, writing and events. Thank you for stopping by and feel free to stay for awhile.